You might not be aware, but intruders may be lurking in your Lakewood, NJ home. And the offender is no other than the bed bug. They are normally oval-shaped and brown, but after feeding, they swell and transform into a reddish color. Many people think they are harmless, but these little critters feed on the blood of humans and other warm-blooded animals and can be found hiding in odd places around your home, such as in bed headboards and bed frames, as well as the creases and seams of your mattress.
The Truth About Bed Bugs
Bed bugs can be found in all 50 states, and many people are aware that they could inadvertently bring them home. One common misconception though that people have is that bed bugs are found in unclean places. This misconception, among others, couldn’t be further from the truth. The reality is:
- Bed bugs are not attracted to dirty places. They are only looking for blood, warmth, and carbon dioxide.
- Bed bugs are visible to the naked eye, including adult bed bugs, nymphs, and eggs.
- Bed bugs do not transmit diseases.
How Bed Bugs Gain Entry Into Your Lakewood, NJ Home
Unlike other insects and pests, bed bugs can hide in and under a variety of items, including furnishings, luggage, clothing, backpacks, purses, and toiletries. Traveling, staying in hotel rooms, and even sitting on a bus are all ways in which you can come into contact with bed bugs. And because they are true parasites, they would love nothing more than to hitch a ride home with you. Once inside your home, they will climb up your walls and across your ceilings, as well as hide in spaces around your bed, in your mattress, or even under your furniture. After all, their prime feeding time is when you are sleeping.
Four Tips To Help Keep Bed Bugs Out Of Your Lakewood Home
If you’re looking for ways to minimize the potential of bringing bed bugs into your home, follow these tips:
1. Bedbugs can travel great distances without you being aware. Carefully inspect your bags before you bring them into your home after traveling, as this is a common way in which bedbugs gain access to your home. Bed bugs are easier to spot on light-colored luggage. For darker colors, inspect the zippers, seams, and pockets for bed bugs or eggs. Vacuuming the inside of your luggage will get rid of any eggs if present.
2. Ensure the linens on your beds – including sheets, duvets, and bedspreads -– are clean at all times. Bedbugs love to hide and will take up refuge where they can. Wash and dry your linens with high heat, since heat kills bed bugs, as well as their eggs.
3. Vacuum your furniture and mattresses regularly. Vacuuming will remove the bugs from cracks or crevices where they may be hiding.
4. Avoid second-hand furniture or clothing, especially if you can see any rips or tears in them. After all, do you really want to find an awesome piece of furniture that just needs a little TLC, only to realize later that you now have a bed bug infestation in your home as a result?
The best way to keep bed bugs from coming inside your home – or worse, facing a full-fledged infestation – is to constantly be checking for them.
The Best Plan of Action For Bed Bug Control
Remember, bed bugs can survive up to a year, and they love dark and hidden places. Unfortunately, even with every effort on your part, you could still end up with an infestation in your Lakewood, NJ home. The only solution to kicking these intruders to the curb is to call the professionals at Bugaboo Pest Control.
A bed bug infestation can happen to anyone, and at any time. If you are waking up in the morning with red itchy skin and a burning sensation, you could potentially have bed bugs in your home. Contact us today for a free consultation and let us take care of all your bed bug extermination needs.